There’s a smile behind this mask. During these uncertain times, Pangea Tavern vows to do our best to keep our staff and customers safe and happy and provide service with a smile. Pangea Tavern is taking extra safety precautions during this time such as: all staff and customers are required to wear masks, staff wear gloves at all times and are required to change and sanitize gloves regularly, our restaurant is operating at half-capacity with tables socially distanced, sanitize stations are set up all around restaurant for easy guest access, menus and guest checks are sanitized, we offer take-out & outdoor dining, we accept reservations, condiments are individually wrapped, and our staff’s temperature is checked regularly. As much as we would all love for things to get back to “normal,” we know that during these times we have the utmost responsibility to the staff and customers we love to maintain a safe environment. Wishing you all health, safety, and happiness, and just know there is a smile behind our masks.